We own and operate gas and electricity networks that power homes and businesses across Britain. We’re an independent network operator, regulated by Ofgem.

You can find out if we look after the utility pipes and cables that deliver gas and electricity to your home by looking up your address on the Energy Networks Association’s website.  

We’re committed to keeping our communities safe, warm and well all year round.

What to do in a power cut

Power cuts are rare, but if you are ever without power, you can report it to us by calling 105 or 0800 011 4193.

You can also call this number if you’re worried about the safety of your electricity meter or you’ve spotted any damage to overhead power lines or underground cables.

Calls are free and will be answered 24 hours a day.

If you have a sudden power cut at home:

Before you contact us, check to see whether your neighbours have electricity or if the streetlights are on.

If the streetlights are on and your neighbours have power:

  • Check your trip switch to see if it’s in the ‘on’ position – if it is, call 105

  • If your trip switch is in the ‘off’ position, switch it back on.

  • If it switches back off, one of your appliances may be faulty. Unplug all your electrical appliances and then reset your trip switch

  • If your trip switch will not reset, there may be a problem with your internal wiring and you’ll need to contact a registered electrician

  • Check your electricity meter. If the dial or display isn’t working, call 105

While your electricity is off:

  • Leave a light on so you know when the power comes back on

  • Keep your fridge and freezer shut – a closed fridge will keep food cold for about four hours and the contents of a freezer can stay frozen for up to 12 hours

  • Turn off and unplug any appliances that get hot, such as heaters or kettles, in case you forget they are switched on when the power comes back on

  • Limit using your phone, tablet and laptop to save the battery life

  • Unplug any sensitive equipment, such as TVs, computers and solar panels

It’s good to be prepared if you were ever to have a power cut at home, especially during storms and severe winter weather. You can be prepared for power cuts by:

  • Keeping a battery-powered torch in a safe place, along with blankets and warm clothes

  • Checking you have your contingency care plan in place with your medical professional

  • Storing important contact numbers on your mobile phone and keeping it charged

What to do in a gas emergency

If you smell gas, damage a gas pipe or are worried about gas safety, call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999.

If you are deaf or speech impaired, you can contact the National Gas Emergency Service through the free Relay UK app or by dialling 18001 0800 111 999 on your textphone.

The National Gas Emergency Service operates 24/7 and all calls are free.  

As well as calling the National Gas Emergency Service, you should:

  • Open all doors and windows

  • Put out any candles and naked flames, and don’t light any matches or smoke

  • Turn off your gas appliances until the gas engineer has checked they’re safe

  • Turn off your electrical appliances, and don’t turn any switches on or off

  • Keep people away from the area and wait outside or with a neighbour 

An emergency gas engineer will arrive within an hour – or two hours if you’ve turned your gas supply off at the meter. If your gas meter is in the cellar or basement, don’t attempt to turn it off yourself. 

The engineer will carry out safety checks and won’t leave your home until the situation is safe.

Extra help for vulnerable households

It’s not easy being without your gas or electricity supply during a power cut or gas supply emergency. For some people, such as those with health conditions, it’s even harder.

By joining our Priority Services Register, we would let you know in advance if we ever needed to interrupt your supply to carry out maintenance. We would also make every effort to keep you informed in the event of an unplanned interruption.

This is a free service we offer to provide extra communications to households who may particularly struggle without their gas or electricity supply during planned work or in an emergency.

Find out how to register for the PSR

Visiting your home

We may need to visit your home to check your meter, or to complete routine checks of your supply.

Whenever our employees or contractors visit your home, they will be able to explain to you why they’re there and what they need to do.

All our employees carry an identification card, which includes their name, photo and our mua logo. You can always check the identity of any of our colleagues by calling us on 0800 011 4193. It’s important you’re comfortable before anyone who enters your home, so our team won’t mind waiting while you verify their ID.

If at any time you’re not sure whether the person at your door is genuine, don’t let them into your home.

Our promises to you

We always strive to go above and beyond for our customers. This includes meeting the Guaranteed Standards of Service, required by Ofgem. If we fail to meet these standards, we’ll make a payment to you.

You can find full details of the Guaranteed Standards of Service within our Electricity and Gas Codes of Practice in our Downloads section.

We can provide all our communications in alternative formats and languages, such as braille and large print. Please email us at netadmin@muagroup.co.uk or call us on 0800 011 4193 to request the format you need.

If you’re unhappy with our service, please let us know as soon as possible so we can try to make it right. You can find our complaints procedure in our Electricity and Gas Codes of Practice in our Downloads section.