What is the Priority Services Register?
The Priority Services Register (PSR) is our free service to provide extra communications to households who may particularly struggle without their electricity, gas or water supply during planned work or in an emergency.
By joining the Priority Services Register, we would be able to let you know in advance if we ever needed to interrupt your supply to carry out maintenance. We would also make every effort to keep you informed in the event of an unplanned interruption.
With your permission, being part of our Priority Services Register also allows other energy companies, including your suppliers, to tailor their day-to-day services and communications to meet your individual needs.
Why should I join the PSR?
The benefits of joining the PSR include:
Advance notice of any planned interruptions to your electricity, gas or water supply
Priority health and wellbeing support in a power cut, gas emergency or water emergency
Arranging a pre-agreed password with you to check the identity of any of our team calling at your home, if needed
Our customer helpline for you to reach our team 24 hours a day for any queries you may have
Who can join?
You can register for the PSR if you or someone in your household:
are blind or partially sighted
are deaf or have hearing loss
are over 65
have a child under 5
are disabled or chronically sick
have a long-term physical or mental health condition
depend on electricity for medical equipment
have extra language or communication needs
You can also join the Priority Services Register if you might only need extra support for a short time, such as if you’re pregnant or recovering from an operation.
We may still be able to offer you extra help even if your situation isn’t listed above. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
How do I join the PSR?
You can sign up for our Priority Services Register for free by emailing us at netadmin@muagroup.co.uk or calling us on 0800 011 4193 with the following details:
Your contact details, including your mobile number
Your reason for registering so we can tailor our communications
If you care for a friend or family member who could benefit from joining the PSR but is unable to apply themselves, you can email or call us to register on their behalf.
With your permission, we’ll share your information with your gas and electricity supplier so they can also provide you with priority services. You may also be able to receive extra support from your water company by contacting them directly, if that's not us.
How we’ll use your data to provide you with priority support
When you register for the Priority Services Register, we’ll keep all the information you’ve given us confidential.
To provide you with priority support in an emergency or power cut, we may need to pass your details to a selection of third parties working on our behalf. This could include engineering teams and emergency services.
We’ll never use your personal information for marketing purposes.
With your consent, we can pass your details on to your energy supplier and your electricity and gas network operators (if that’s not us) who may also offer priority services that you can benefit from.
You can find more information about how we use your data in our Privacy Policy.